Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Here are mp3s of your concert songs.

7th Grade Band
==> Cardiff Castle
==> Bunker Hill March
==> Radiance

8th Grade Band
==> Rocky
==> Cluster Fluster Bluster March
==> Nutcracker Suite


Mr. K.

First Concert!!!


Ok, maybe I'm biased because you are my 7th Grade Band, but hey, you played very well at your first concert of the year. I've got the recordings of your tunes ready to post, but it will be a while to upload to the server. I don't think I'm able to upload mp3s here, so I put them on the MG Music website (that server seems to be down at the moment.)

Like I said, you played very well last night. We do have a couple of things to address, and improve for our next concert. I will discuss this in class this week.


Mr. K.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We're Back!!!!!

Ok, it's been a while. I didn't add anything over the summer, and we are now approaching our first concert of the 2009-10 school year. No, I haven't been lazy, just busy.

The 09-10 7th Grade Band rocks!

Your first concert is in 4 days. You are ready. It will be fun!

Jazz Band, we have several students signed up, but we should have more. There are too many 8th Grade Band students who SHOULD be in Jazz Band. It is a fun experience. If you think it's too early in the morning, you should try my schedule. Get up at 4:00 a.m. and spend 45 minutes in the car to get here! If I can do it (remember I'm an old geezer) you should have no problem geting up at 6 to be here by 7. Remember, sometimes doughnuts show up!

Friday, June 12, 2009



OK, that sound like it was a harsh year. It really wasn't. It was a lot of fun.

7th Grade Band, you all rocked! You had some challenges with the music, especially the last concert, and you didn't back away. I am proud of you! When I get some time (and I probably will have some time soon) I'll post mp3s of your concert music. Sorry, I haven't gotten a recording of Star Trek from Video Club yet.

Jazz Band... you were also awesome! I looked forward to those early mornings! It is real cool to see and hear the changes from last fall to this spring. You have really grown as musicians. I look forward to continuing with you next year as MGHS Jazz III!

For those of you who are in band next year, good for you! Keep playing because the more you learn, the more you can play, and the funner (yeah, it's not a word but too bad) band gets! Stay in through high school and you probably will have the chance to ...

===> Play at Camp Randall for UW-Band Day
===> Take a trip to a large metropolis (we recently went to NYC)
===> Play in the "pit" for the Musical
===> Play in different types of ensembles
===> And many many more opportunities

If you are not signed up for band.... DO IT! You will have a lot of fun! It is work, but very rewarding!

Have a Great Summer!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. K.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey....Look what I found! A couple of years ago, Jazz I talked Mr. Dorn into singing on "Zoot Suit Riot", and we have the video to prove it!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jazz Band Performs at Talent Show

On April 24th, the GDS Jazz Band performed at the First Annual Glacial Drumlin Middle School Talent Show. Tunes performed were Satin Doll (with Ellen Albright on alto sax and Matt Frisque on tenor sax0, and Baggy Pants Blues (with Dalton Bright on mallets and Hayden Newton on trombone.) The jazz band played at both the 12:00 pm show and the 7:00 pm show.

Nicely done!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tunes from the Winter Concert...

7th Grade Band, here are the recordings of your concert tunes from your concert this past March. I know, it took forever for me to upload them. But here they are...

Black Forest Overture
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Aliens Landing In Your Back Yard
Razzberry Waltz

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 9th Concert!

7th Grade Band....GREAT JOB!!!!

Outstanding performance on this concert! Many parents commented on your playing. I am very pleased with your performance, including the way you handled yourselves during the 6th Grade portion, and before/after the concert. Keep up the good work! I'll post MP3s of your songs in a few days.

Special thanks again to our Phy Ed Staff, who sacrificed their space to our performance. Also to our Custodial Staff for chairs and everything they did. We also want to give a shout to our Adminstration, Ms. Tennant and Mr. Whisler for their support.

Also, thanks to Mrs. Stone and Mr. Dorn, and the GDS and Winnequah 6th Grade Bands for playing "Razzberry Waltz" with us!

Mr. K

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Performance!

On Friday, January 23, 2009, the Glacial Drumlin Jazz Ensemble performed in public for the first time! We took the stage in the GDS Cafeteria and played for the breakfast shift. The tunes we played were:
Baggy Pants Blues
Jingle Bell Rock
Frosty the Snowman
Santa Rocks The House

We originally planned on playing last December 19, but were snowed out (but hey, we got an extra day of Holiday Break!)

The members of the GDSJE did an outstanding job of setting up, playing, and clearing out! I think I owe them some doughnuts!

Thanks to Ms. Tennant and Mr. Whisler for allowing us to play. Also thanks to Mrs. Stone for sitting in on trumpet!

Way to go GDSJE!!!!

Mr. K.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Back At School!!!

Hey! Happy 2009!

We're back at GDS wrapping up the 2nd Quarter. All students who have not tested as of today should get it DONE! Any students who have not tested by Friday (1/23) will not be able to attend Winterfest until they have tested.

Sorry, that's the way it is.