Monday, December 8, 2008


Attention all Jazz Band Members...

Due to the probability nasty weather all day Tuesday, and into Tuesday night, we will cancel Jazz Band rehearsal for this Wednesday (12/10/2008). This is just a precaution because I may not be able to contact each and every one of you personally if we have no school on Tuesday. Just playing it safe. Even if there IS school on Wednesday, I won't make you come in at 7:00 am. Be safe.

Mr. K.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Glacial Drumlin Jazz

The FIRST Glacial Drumlin Jazz Ensemble is already rehearsing!
Twenty-two 8th Grade Band students are getting to school at 7:00 am to learn jazz, blues, big band, rock, swing, latin, and other styles of music, including improvisation (the sun has not exploded!) We are currently working up some winter-ish tunes for a little suprise in December.
They keep wondering about doughnuts. Well... you never know when they will appear!

First Concert!

GDS 7th Grade Band, along with the GDS 8th Grade Band (Mrs. Stone, Director), performed their first concert of the year in the GDS Gym! It was outstanding!

Thanks go out to our Adminstration for their support of music.

Special thanks to our Phy Ed Staff for giving up their space to rehearsals, and to our Custodial Staff for their assistance in preparing the gym! We could not have done it without you!

Also, we thank the parents for their support and encouraging students to make music a part of their lives.

And a huge thanks to the students. It took about 10 minutes to clear all the equipment, chairs, and stands from the gym (everyting was back in it's proper place in the band room too!) That is awesome!

In case you would like to listen to the 7th Grade Band, here are the songs we played in mp3 format...
Flourish For Winds and Percussion
Northern Lights
The Name's Claus...Santa Claus
The Marchman

Monday, September 22, 2008

Glacial Drumlin Bands!

Hey Kids! Here we are now at our NEW location...Glacial Drumlin School! The band room is awesome and DRY!

Sorry I sort of took the summer off to do a few things at home (like move to a new house) but I'll be back putting up information and other junk that may be useful.

In the mean time, practice and check back periodically.

Mr. K.
Red Hawk Bands

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Star Wars Movie Survey

Ok Star Wars Geeks (it's ok to admit you are one.)
Of all 7 Star Wars films, including the CGI animated "Clone Wars", which one do you like the most, and why?

Post your answers!

Been a little busy

Ok, I'm back. It's been a little busy. You know, all the end of the year stuff. Hey 7th Grade Band... Awesome Concert!!!!
We made it through to the end. The band room flooded again (a lot) the weekend after our concert. There was about 2 inches of standing water throughout the band room. Mrs. Stone, Mr. Dorn, Ms. Tam, and I moved all the equipment and instruments out. The good news is that we were able to move a lot of stuff out to the Glacial Drumlin School band room.

I got to tell you, the new band room at GD is AWESOME! We were there on Thursday, June 12. It has that "new band room" smell! It also has windows, so we can get natural light!

So, if you have been reading this blog at all, feel free to post a comment. Keep it appropriate or I'll just delete it (probably ban you too.)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Jazz Band

Winneqah has had a jazz band for many years. I have been fortunate to have outstanding students over the past 8 years. This year's Jazz Band made their performance debute last week at the Winnequah Talent Show. We played "Stepping Up to the Blues" and "Let It Groove." Megan Bower, Matt Blair, and Jack Allen played solos.

Awesome 7th Grade Band!

The 7th Grade Band is divided into two sections (for rehearsals) and combined for concerts. Both sections rehearse the same music, and work together in GIGS. We have awesome students! They follow instructions without question or complaint! I'll be sorry to let them go at the end of the year, but I know I'll get some of them back for Jazz Band!

Riser Demolition Begins

This morning I came in early for Jazz Band, in case the kids did not figure out that we wouldn't be having jazz band due to the water problem. Our great custodial staff was already there to clear out the room. I mean, everything. The band room has never been this empty since it was built! Once everything was out, or put up on the shelves, the dismantling of the risers began! Fire up the sawsall!

Again, Mrs. Stone has been taking pictures, which I hope to post soon.

The forecast for next week is wet. I'm hoping Mother Nature will be kind and give us enough dry days for the room to dry up. Then we can get back in to rehearse!

Allways look on the bright side of life! The band room will now have a "flat" floor which will give the bands more flexibility with seating. I believe we will be able to fit more students in there as well.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lake Spitvalve

I checked the band room today (temporarily renamed "Lake Spitvalve"), and it is still flooded. Looks like 7th Grade Band will be rehearsing the cafeteria today. Yikes!

I have to comment on the attitude of the 7th Grade Band. They have been remarkably resilient in this adventure! Kudos to the 7th Grade Band!

The staff has been also very supportive, especially Ms. Bussan, Ms. McCarty, and Mr. Davick. All three of them have allowed our students into their rehearsal space, while taking their groups elsewhere or otherwise adjusting. Kudos to them, and their students as well!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Post!

Ok. So since Mrs. Stone has a blog, I probably should jump on the bandwagon (hahahaha) and get one going. I teach band at Winnequah with Mrs. Stone and Mr. Dorn. I have the 7th Grade Band, plus a lot of brass and percussion GIGS (Guided Instruction GroupS). Currently, the Bands are rehearsing in alternate rooms due to the fact that the bandroom has turned into a lake. All the rain we've had, plus the 100 or so inches of snow, has saturated the ground to the point where the water has nowhere to go. Mrs. Stone took some pictures, so I'll bug her to send me some. Guess I should post them for the world to see.