Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Been a little busy

Ok, I'm back. It's been a little busy. You know, all the end of the year stuff. Hey 7th Grade Band... Awesome Concert!!!!
We made it through to the end. The band room flooded again (a lot) the weekend after our concert. There was about 2 inches of standing water throughout the band room. Mrs. Stone, Mr. Dorn, Ms. Tam, and I moved all the equipment and instruments out. The good news is that we were able to move a lot of stuff out to the Glacial Drumlin School band room.

I got to tell you, the new band room at GD is AWESOME! We were there on Thursday, June 12. It has that "new band room" smell! It also has windows, so we can get natural light!

So, if you have been reading this blog at all, feel free to post a comment. Keep it appropriate or I'll just delete it (probably ban you too.)

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